Foreign News

Hyenas kill 3 in N/Tanzania

Spotted Hyena

Hyenas killed three people between Jan. 1 and Feb. 24 in Sengerema, a district in Mwanza region, northern Tanzania, an official said on Sunday.

The carnivore attacked and killed the first victim, a 16-year-old boy, on Jan. 15 when he was collecting firewood, according to the Sengerema district wildlife officer, Paul Ponsian.

Also, the other two victims, a 70-year-old farmer, died from a hyena attack on Jan. 29 while on the way to his farm.,%20I’

The third victim, a 16-year-old girl, was killed by hyenas on Feb. 16 while going to fetch water for her grandmother, Ponsian said.

The officer urged residents in the Sengerema district to be vigilant against further attacks by hyenas.

He noted that the Tanzania Wildlife Management Authority (TAWA) has started hunting down the animals.

TAWA game rangers have already killed five hyenas, Ponsian said. (Xinhua)

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