Features/Opinion Politics

The Changing Faces of Obasa’s House of Assembly

By Hon. Adekmi Oluwaseyi

……..from insubordination to cooked-up corruption allegations

I am concerned about the recent attempts by Obasa’s House of Assembly to shift the narrative surrounding the allegations of insubordination against Hon. Jelili Sulaiman, the Chairman of Alimosho Local Government, to baseless allegations of corruption.

This manipulation of facts on TVC by one inconsequential stooge of the Speaker, Hon. Steven Ogundipe, House Committee Chairman on Information, does not only undermine the integrity of our once bubbling and responsible Lagos legislative institution but also appears to be a deliberate attempt to tarnish the reputation of a dedicated public servant.

Hon Jelili Sulaiman, Chairman Alimosho LGA

We are bold to say that Hon. Jelili Sulaiman has consistently demonstrated commitment and transparency in his duties. The shift from allegations of insubordination to corruption is not only unfounded but also indicative of a larger agenda to undermine his efforts and distract from the real issues at hand by Hon. Obasa and his co-travellers. We are saddened to note that such tactics are unbecoming of a respected institution like the Lagos State House of Assembly and the esteemed seat of the Speaker.

We urge the House and in particular the Speaker, Rt. Hon. Mudasiru Obasa, to refrain from this dirty political war, which serves only to erode public trust in our democratic institutions. All members of the House must focus on constructive governance rather than
engaging in smear campaigns that detract from their responsibilities to the constituents they represent.

Morphing into a cabal that works against our hard-earned local government autonomy is the least Lagosins expect from this House of Assembly at this time. Such conduct is detrimental to the
democratic process and constitutes a significant nuisance and distraction for President Tinubu at a critical time when our nation is grappling with pressing economic challenges and widespread

At a time when all political leaders should be focusing on collaborative governance and addressing the urgent needs of the people, the Assembly’s actions serve only to sow discord and divert attention from the pressing issues facing our state and nation.

This development is not helpful to Mr President at this moment at all. It is rather not the best of time for a serious political office holder in the position of the Speaker of Lagos State House of Assembly to engage in a futile and infantile political war.

However, if these unnecessary attacks continue, we will expose the dossier of corruption that exists in the House. The public deserves to know the truth, and we will not hesitate to bring these matters to light if the campaign against Hon. Sulaiman does not cease.

We call on Mr Obasa’s House of Assembly to engage in a more responsible and ethical discourse, focusing on the needs of the people rather than engaging in distractions that serve only to protect personal interests.

We urge the Assembly to earnestly return to its core responsibilities and engage in constructive dialogue that supports the growth and development of our local governments and the nation at large. Meanwhile and for clarity but without glorifying the baseless allegations, we hereby deem it necessary to address all the allegations Hon Ogundipe struggled frantically and inconsistently to present on TVC:

That Large Sum of Money Running Into Billions Was Misappropriated:

This allegation is laughable at its best. We would have been happy if he had cited any reliable audited report but unfortunately, it is a mere conjecture. We advise Obasa’s House of Assembly and its spokesperson, Hon. Ogundipe, to be more factual because it is essential to investigate
thoroughly and get all necessary facts before jumping to conclusions on a serious allegation of corruption.

In any case, the Assembly is not the appropriate institution of government to declare any person guilty of corruption or any financial wrongdoing at all. This public declaration, without following the due process, on international television, amounts to the assassination of a character that carries heavy punishment in law. Hon. Ogundipe should expect an appropriate response from the Chairman very soon.

However, character assassination is not an antidote for gaining electoral relevance and support. It is by being a responsible and responsive office holder, serving the interest of the people, working for and with them and also being close to them, particularly, at the point of their need.

This is exactly what has set Hon. Jelili apart from the political liabilities in the hallowed chamber of the Obasa’s House of Assembly. Tarnishing the personality of Hon Jelili would not fetch anyone, let alone Obasa and co, the support of the Alimosho people. If Obasa wants the backing of the Alimosho people, let him face his work and touch the lives of the Lagos people.

Hon Jelili has always maintained his financial sanity right from his first term in office, using the resource of the Council to provide services for the people but not for himself and family members. He has never been alleged of financial impropriety, he has never been investigated by any panel and he has never been interrogated by any security agency for any financial offence in his more than 10 years of service to the good people of Alimosho.

The Records are there for anyone. But if Obasa is in doubt, we challenge him to have a walkout
contest on the streets of Alimosho with Hon. Jelili and see who will be hooted, honked and hissed and who will be hailed and welcomed.

That He Refused To Remit Over N111 million In Tax Deductions:

This is another unfounded, baseless, useless and irrelevant allegation from a vindictive Obasa House of Assembly. Unfortunately, the Obasa Assembly can abdicate its primary responsibility of law-making for tax policing. This is rather unthinkable! Very unfortunate for Lagos people.

Be that as it may, it is on record that on the assumption of office by Hon Jelili Sulaiman, he cleared all outstanding taxes left behind by his predecessors. Records are there for verification. Apart from removing the outstanding taxes from his predecessors, he has also remitted the ones whose paperwork was prepared and presented to him.

As of now, all papers for the clearance of all outstanding taxes to date are ready for payment. Any members of the public interested in knowing the facts can check the Council’s tax records with the appropriate institution. It is a public document. There is nothing to hide. The Council is always alive to its tax obligation and financial responsibilities.

That He Keeps Eight Accounts Against Four according to FEC Management Law:

This is a blatant lie from the pit of hell. Very flimsy and flippant. It is a testimony to the shallow work of Obasa Assembly; having no regard for details and facts. However, contrary to this falsehood, Hon Jelili Sulaiman has opened only three bank accounts in just two banks while those in use before him were ordered to be closed for reasons that were in the best interest of the local
government. For avoidance of doubts, the accounts are in Wema Bank and UBA. Two of the three accounts are in UBA.

All he did in this regard was within his power as the elected Executive Chairman of the Council.
For the avoidance of doubt and contrary to the baseless allegation, the Council, currently does not have up to four accounts permitted by FEC. It is only three. Even going by the number of banks used, we can safely say, he has operated just two accounts as against four permitted him. We advise Obasa and others to face their lawmaking work. Lagosians expect qualitative laws that can better their lives from them.

That He Embezzled N17 Million Meant For The Local Government Education Authority (LGEA):
Without any fear of contradiction the Chairman has no knowledge of such money and we are not aware that Obasa Assembly is empowered to appropriate and disburse money to any local government. If the Assembly possesses such power and has therefore disbursed such
money, then it must have been disbursed and embezzled by them or their agent. We would be happy if the Assembly provided documentary evidence to prove this allegation.

That He Bought Stolen Vehicles For The Legislative Arms:

Allegations of purchasing stolen property should be directed to law enforcement for criminal investigation but not used as a political tool on television. To our knowledge, this claim lacks specific evidence and serves only to vilify Hon. Sulaiman’s character. House under Rt. Hon Mudasiru Obasa is economical with the truth; feeding the public falsehood.

In the first instance, the Chairman is not a contractor who bought and supplied cars to the Council. But if the State Assembly has any document to justify its position, it should bring it out. It is even better for the Assembly’s image. Anything short of that is a big and irreparable dent in the Assembly and its members.

However, for public knowledge, there was a misunderstanding between the contractor who supplied the vehicle. And the dealer who sold it. The contractor could not fulfil his obligation to the dealer on the agreed time.

The dealer, therefore, lodged a case with the Police and the Police settled the case amicably. To appease the local government for the embarrassment, the contractor wrote a letter of apology. The letter of apology is in a file in the Council and the settlement record is with the Police. No more, no less. We challenge Obasa to provide a contrary story to this if he has any.

That He Used Zamzam Medical Outreach To Siphon Public Funds:

This is another serious allegation without an iota of evidence. It is becoming clear that the House under Hon Obasa is losing its focus and bringing itself to shame. We challenge the Hon. Ogundipe to provide proof if truly it has any. In the absence of such evidence then, the allegation is tantamount to character assassination and political witch hunting.

That He Purchased Property in Magodo and Lekki:

This allegation is to tarnish the Hon. Chairman. He has no house in the said areas. The Council sent the documents of house owners in the locations to the state government for verification. However, if the Assembly has document of any property bearing his name in the areas, it should make it public. The onus of proof lies with the person who alleges. It will be puerile to dwell too much on this.

That He Embezzled N200 million Loan To Service Vehicles:

The claims surrounding the mismanagement of loans need clear financial records to substantiate. Speculative claims without supporting documentation only cloud the truth. It is unimaginable and unfortunate that the Obasa Assembly can cook up this kind of allegation. The running of the Council is unlike that of Mr Obasa Assembly where one person like the Speaker can allocate and
dispense funds.

The Council has a working system. To avoid doubt, the loan in question followed all due process. The appropriate arm of the Council is also managing the loan. Documentary evidence on the disbursement of the funds is in the Council for scrutiny. The Chairman had little or no influence on the administration of the loans. Besides, he was not the end beneficiary.

That He Re-presented Same Official Vehicles:

This assertion lacks the required evidence to substantiate it. However, the truth is that all political office holders in the position of the Chairman should have official vehicles. In this case, Hon. Sulaiman bought the vehicles for which he got approval.

Instead of buying the same car as his colleagues, he purchased a lesser one that saved the Council some money. The Chairman denied himself legitimate entitlement so that the residents of Alimosho could have additional funds allocated to projects and services. There are relevant documents in the Council for verification

That He Contravened Procurement Laws In Contract Awards:

This allegation again, is false in its entirety. Each and every contract in the Local Government goes through the Tenders Board before implementation. The board is statutorily headed by the vice-chairman, and not the chairman. However, if indeed any procurement law has been compromised or violated, the House will do itself a great deal of honour to state or provide the exact procurement law that was violated by the Tenders board.

Subdued PHC’s Laboratories For Personal Gain:

This claim is serious and relevant authorities should handle it if substantiated. Making such accusations without evidence diminishes the credibility of Obasa’s House of Assembly. However, we can state categorically, without any fear of contradiction, that residents of Alimosho Local Government are receiving free health services and subsidized drugs in all the health centres in the Council.

Up to this moment, the Council is unaware of any exploitation of the public or the Council itself. This is a lie from the imagination of busy-body-lawmakers, for their want of any serious issue.

Finally, it is important to let the whole world know that Hon. Sulaiman is an upright person who does not need to engage in illicit activities to make money for himself and his family members. He is easy easygoing person, very simple in outlook and public dealing. He is the man of the people in Alimosho and loved by all.

Hon Obasa should understand that getting the support of the Alimosho people for his political ambition would not come by fighting a man the Alimosho people love. It is by working with him and serving the people. For as long as he distracts Hon. Jelili, he is further creating cleavage between himself and the Alimosho people. And at appropriate times, when he would need them, they would tell him who they were.

A word is enough for the wise…

Oluwaseyi is Coalition of Alimosho Youths For Truth (+234 (0) 908 57768 074)


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