Education Foreign News Tertiary Education

YabaTech signs MoU with 2 UK Varsities

Yabatech Rector, Ibrahim Abdul with officials of Derby University, UK

By Abdulfatah Babatunde

Yaba College of Technology (YabaTech) signed a Memorandum of Understanding with two universities in the United Kingdom, on strategic collaboration in relevant fields of studies, on Thursday, in London.

The College Rector, Dr Adedotun Abdul, who is currently in the UK, gave the hint in telephone interview with TheNewsZenith on Friday.

Rector of Yaba College of Technology, Dr Ibrahim Abdul, signing a Memorandum of Understanding with a UK University on Thursday in London

“While in the UK, I visited two universities: the University of Derby and the University of Northampton.

“I had meetings with the heads of faculties and international engagement/relations officers for collaboration and strategic cooperation.

“The focus of the collaboration with the University of Northampton is in the area of Arts, Science and Technology.

And that of the University of Derby is in the area of Finance, Business and Social Sciences,” Abdul said.

At Northampton, he said the meeting culminated in signing of an MoU for a cooperative relationship that covers five areas.

These are the exchange of teaching and research personnel, the exchange of students and the development of research activities.

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Others include exploration of collaboration at the course level, such as articulation arrangements and any other activity of mutual interest.

At Derby, Abdul said the two institutions agreed to develop a framework for progression opportunities for graduates of Yaba College of Technology to acquire further degrees at the University of Derby.

Both institutions will also co-create and offer executive programmes and short courses.

These will help to close skills gaps in the nation’s finance and business industry.

“The cooperation will also extend to the College’s apprenticeship programme in collaboration with big industries in both countries.

“This is to enhance quality skills development and mobility of such skills.”

The Centre for Partnership and International Relations of the College will lead other relevant centres, towards the actualising of the objectives of the cooperation agreements.


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