NCC, BPSR sign MoU on digitising government activities
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NCC, BPSR sign MoU on digitising government activities

 By Abdulfatah Babatunde

The Nigerian Communications Commission (NCC) and Bureau of Public Service Reforms (BPSR) have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to jointly accelerate the digitisation reform process in government.

TheNewsZenith reports that the chief executives of both organisations, Prof. Umar Danbatta and Dr Dasuki Arabi recently signed the MoU in Abuja.

Speaking at the event, Danbatta said partnership was consistent with NCC’s Strategic Vision Plan (SVP) to collaborate with relevant stakeholders.

“The MoU between the two agencies will enhance efficiency and productivity.

“It adequately captured the roles of enabling policies and implementing institutions, which are key features of digital transformation.

“Nigerian Communications Commission will continue to drive broadband penetration, which provides the backbone upon which such process will thrive.

“It is for this reason that Nigerian National Broadband Plan document provides for deployment of broadband infrastructure across the country.

“This infrastructure will drive services that will transform governance and the key services sector in the economy,” he said.

Danbatta added that with the completion of the process, governance will be paperless.

“Chief Executive Officers will be able to deal with their emails without necessarily signing most things offline. Virtually everything will be online.”

NCC’s boss assures that the transition would be worth it, as the process is associated with efficiency.

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Efficiency naturally results from operating paperless system of administration at the level of agencies like BPSR and NCC, he said.

Also speaking, Arabi explained that BPSR decided to work with NCC in driving reforms towards the adoption of emerging technologies.

“Historically, this partnership began in 2016 when NCC became the first government agency to undergo BPSR’s online Self-Assessment Tool.

“Remarkably, at the end of the assessment, NCC emerged as the first agency to be rated Platinum Organisation by the Tool.

“It exceptionally exceeded expectations in all good practices built around nine domain areas,” Arabi said.

Underscoring his submission, the BPSR boss said the MoU would provide a window of opportunity to consolidate efforts at delivering resilient public service.

“This will lead to a well-functioning federal system, wherein zero-tolerance for corruption is practicable.

“The MoU will also help in fostering a high degree of cooperation between federal and state governments in improving service delivery.

“It will equally address transparency international corruption perception Index to significantly improve a safe and secured environment that encourages economic growth and investment.”

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