Abuja-Kaduna train derails at Kubwa, FCT

Abuja-Kaduna train derails at Kubwa, FCT

A Kaduna bound train, on Friday derailed at Kilometres 30, Kubwa, a suburb of Abuja, Federal Capital Territory.

This happened barely a week after similar accident happened when the Warri-Itakpe train detailed into a forest in Kogi State.

The NewsZenith gathered that about 148 passengers and 30 crew members on board were left stranded in a forest in Kogi State.

A source at the Nigerian Railway Corporation confirmed that a train derailed at the Kubwa Station.

The cause of the derailment could not be immediately ascertained as of the time of filing this report.

But many passengers were seen wondering around the derailed train.

Managing Director of the Nigerian Railway Corporation (NRC),  Fidet Okhiria confirmed the accident.

He, however, declined further comment, saying he was just trying to obtain more information on the incident.

Recall that an Itakpe-Warri train had, last Sunday, derailed in a Kogi, leaving about 145 passengers stranded for several hours.




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