Security: Muslim community sends S.O.S to Gov. Makinde
Religious Corner Security

Security: Muslim community sends S.O.S to Gov. Makinde,%20I’

From Our Correspondent

The Muslim Community has sent a save-our-soul message to Gov. Seyi Makinde of Oyo State to avert avoidable security breaches in the state by taking proactive action.

TheNewsZenith reports that the message is contained in a press statement issued by Alhaji Murisiku Siyanbade, Secretary General of the Community.

It made the call following a recent assault on a Muslim family by a C.A.C Pastor in Iseyin and an Imamship tussle in Ogbomoso.

“A stitch in time saves nine! The problems surrounding the Imamship issue in Ogbomoso and the religious crisis that happened on the day of the last Eid-up-Adha (Ileya) festival are serious threats to the peace of Oyo State.

“We are sitting on a keg of gunpowder.

“Gov. Seyi Makinde, as the Chief Security Officer of the state, should better take proactive action now, to avert avoidable breach of security,”.

According to the Community, the problem of Imamship in Ogbomoso, which was initially an Ayilara intra-family issue, has snowballed into a crisis involving the Soun of Ogbomoso.

“The Muslim Community of Oyo State has made various unsuccessful efforts at mediation.

“Elders’ Committee of the Community, led by Prof. D.O.S. Noibi, also had many interactions with the two feuding camps and other Ogbomoso elites.

“The last meeting of the warring groups took Prof.Noibi’s Elders Committee to Ogbomoso.

“Recently, Aare Musulumi of Yorubaland, Edo and Delta, Alhaji Dawud Makanjuola Akinola, also assembled many Muslim leaders and met with the two warring camps.

“All these efforts have yielded little fruits. Ogbomoso youths in support of the Imam, are restive; the other camp is also charging.

“The recent query issued to the Imam, Sheikh Taliat Ayilara while on Hajj in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, is another big straw further exacerbating the imbroglio.

“Efforts of all mediators have come to nought. This is because none of them have the power of enforcement.

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“Only the government can assert authority and enforce sanctions.

“The primary responsibility of the government is to ensure safety of lives and property.

“Maintenance of peaceful and harmonious coexistence is what is urgently required in the present circumstance.

“We call on Gov. Makinde to proactively summon all parties to the feud, mediate and bring about lasting peace.

The Muslim Community also raised the issue of assault on the family of Sheikh Sulaiman Abdul-Azeri and his ‘Eleha’ wives by a group of aggressors in Nigerian Army uniform.

“The aggressors, led by Damilola Stephen, the soldier-son Pastor Stephen Busari, brutalised the first wife of Sheikh Abdul-Azeri.

The Sheik’s second wife, who is also an ‘Eleha’, heavily pregnant had her leg broken.

“They launched the invasion on ‘Ileya’ day and if not for God, there would have been loss of lives.

“We are calming frayed nerves, preventing restive Muslim youths from taking to the streets over the matter,” the community stated.

For emphasis, the community said the restive Muslim youths are still charged. To nip the crisis in the bud, the government speak out.

The beginning of the Iseyin crisis arose from noise disturbance by the Church.

“The community, therefore, urged the government to activate the Oyo State Law Against Noice  Pollution.

“This is necessary for peaceful co-existence among adherents of different faiths.

“They should realise that where their right stops, is where the rights of others begin.”


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