Tunisia announces partial cabinet reshuffle
Foreign News

Tunisia announces partial cabinet reshuffle


Tunisian Presidency, late Saturday, announced a partial cabinet reshuffle involving the interior and social affairs ministries.

According to the announcement, President Kais Saied appointed the governor of Ariana Province, Khaled Nouri, as the new Interior Minister.

Nouri replaces Kamel Feki.

Saied also sacked Malek Ezzahi, the Social Affairs Minister and appointed the former CEO of the National Health Insurance, Fund Kamel Al Madouri, as the new minister.

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President Saied also appointed Sofien Ben Sadok, Magistrate and member of the monitoring committee of the technical telecommunications agency at the Ministry of Communication Technologies, as Secretary of State for the Interior Ministry.

Members of the new government were sworn in before the president, in the presence of Prime Minister Ahmed Hachani.

The announcement did not specify the reason for the dismissals. (Xinhua)


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